Monday, September 27, 2010

Charles Bargue Drawing Course

Yay! Early Christmas! My copy of the Charles Bargue drawing course came in the mail today. I've wanted it for a couple of years now, and I finally decided it was worth it to spend the $80.

It's a beautiful book. I can't wait to read more of it and start on the drawings. Although, I'll admit it's a bit intimidating!

Classes with Joseph Todorovitch are going to be over soon, until January, so this will keep me busy in the meantime! It will be great to start up again next year with a new familiarity of the figure.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Zorn Palette

Last night was my first stab at using the Zorn Palette. This is a set of colors named after Swedish painter, Anders Zorn.... because that's what he used. It consists of ivory black, white, yellow ochre*, and some kind of obnoxiously bright red (vermillion, or in my case, cadmium red light).

* This is yellow ochre, for the color-impaired.

Anders Zorn Self Portrait

The range of colors you can get with the Zorn palette is pretty amazing, though the study I did (below) doesn't fully demonstrate that. I hadn't used a limited palette in way too long, it was so fun. There is definitely freedom in simplicity. I may have another go with it on Saturday at the five hour class.

3 hour figure study with the Zorn Palette

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Fame and fortune

The other day Joseph was being filmed for the Fall issue of the American Painting Video Magazine ( = longest URL ever), and a few of us students were able to paint with him. I may have a .67 second cameo in there when it comes out, so make sure you get your virtual copy!

See me there, sitting on the right? I'm famous. Soon I won't be able to go out in public without hearing, "Can I get your autograph, Blurry Background Painter #4?"

I was really happy with my painting, think it has kind of a Sargent-y vibe. It came out a lot better than the recent stuff I've been painting in class. I don't know if this means I'm improving, or if it is because I was painting during the day, when I was awake. Class is in the evening, at the time of day when I am really tired and want to be vegging out on the couch in my pajamas. I like to think I can be a night person, but mostly I'm just a night person when I am sitting and eating things and don't have to exhibit any kind of skill.

Lynda, portrait study - 9"x12" - oil on canvas

Anyway, I really liked the model. Very pretty, and nice. I always enjoy painting more when I like the model's personality. I recognized her when she came in, as the subject of this is beautiful painting by Aaron Westerberg. He has some great work.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Guy Rose

OK, next week! I promise I will have something good for you.

While you're waiting, here is a beautiful painting by California impressionist, Guy Rose (1867-1925). This has been one of my favorite paintings for awhile.

The Green Parasol by Guy Rose