I sometimes find myself in a situation where a person tells me they could never be a painter because they don't have any talent. I tell them that it is a very popular misconception that to be a good artist you need to be born with The Gift. I tell them that 'talent' actually comes from a lot of hard work, and that painting is a skill to be learned, just like brain surgery, or making couch doilies. I tell them that when I was a kid, I wasn't any better than they were.
Usually, this conversation ends with them not believing me, and me thinking maybe it's time to stop trying to talk people into this concept.
Today, that all changes! I have proof to back my reasoning! I am going to show you what my artwork looked like when I was 7 years old. For some sadistic reason my mother recently framed this and hung it in her home, where I can now see it on a daily basis:
Yes. Happy Faher's Day. (See inscription in the clouds.)
This was the best I could come up with before I had training or lessons of any kind, and my 7-year-old self thought it was pretty kick-ass. For some added fun, try figuring out what this painting is actually OF, and then click on the picture below for some startling revelations.