Monday, August 16, 2010

How to Draw

For about two years I went to one three-hour class each week at Mission: Renaissance art school, in Pasadena. Aside from my recent workshops with Joseph Todorovitch, that's the only training I've had.

When I started there my drawing skills were very limited. I could draw bushes or clouds with relative ease, but I used the ancient art of holding my paper up to a bright window and tracing if I needed something to actually look proportional. Come nightfall, I was screwed. I don't think there is any place that does a better job of teaching the fundamentals of drawing and painting as simply as Mission: Renaissance. I only wish they had a version of their school that was more conducive to full-time study. As perfect as the training is at Mission: Renaissance, it isn't a hard-core academy kind of place, and I'm learning that it takes a @#%load of practice to get REALLY good. At any rate, I'm glad I went there before jumping into figure painting. It's made things a lot smoother than it would've been otherwise!

If you're interested, here is a video from the founder, Larry Gluck, that will tell you how to draw. There is a lot more to be learned, otherwise they wouldn't have three drawing courses. But I think knowing just these couple of fundamentals can make a huge difference.

Oh, and just in case you get inspired: you can see where they're located, or check out their home-study courses at

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Wisconsin - 16"x20" - conte on paper

I finished this drawing today, from a couple of photographs I took in Wisconsin awhile back. It was around 10 degrees out that day and my feet were freezing through my rubber rainboots. Unfortunately, being a Californian sometimes has the side effect of wearing shorts in December and not being prepared when shipped off to an actual Winter. But impending frostbite aside, I couldn't get enough of this dog. I took pictures until someone started staring at me suspiciously through the window and didn't respond to my smile and my "Is it OK if I take a picture of your dog?" hand gestures.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Workshop #2, Painting #1

Portrait Study by Yours Truly

I started my second Mr. Todorovitch painting workshop last night, and produced the above. I'm getting a bit tired of being perpetually dissatisfied with my work. The good thing is that I realized I actually am getting better. If I had produced the above portrait a year ago, for example, I'd be giving myself an almost crippling pat on the back (which is hard to do, with your own hand). But my standards always rise higher than my skills.

So... it would be really nice to just be happy with what I do, but the upshot is that I know I will continue getting better until I'm on my deathbed. Even then, I will probably be drawing my deathbed sheets and periodically setting down my pencil so I can shake my fist in frustration and curse the heavens in my little old lady voice, "Yes, I am finally as good as Bouguereau! But why can I not be BETTER than Bouguereau?!"

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Joseph Todorovitch drawing workshop #1

So I decided a couple of days ago to do Joseph's drawing workshop as well as the painting one, and the first drawing class was last night. Here's what I did:

I'm pretty pleased, though I know that there is much to be improved. First painting class is in a couple of days, I'll post my work from that soon!