Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I learned a lesson.

Well, I managed to lock myself out of the house, but I still have my beloved iPod, so I figured now would be as good a time as any to do some blogging.

Aside from being stuck in my backyard, with my dog, today is a celebration day. I am finally nearing the end of a painting I've been working on for over four months. That's a long time, for me. I've finished a lot of other paintings in that time, but this one was kind of torturing me. I realized that I had gotten too wrapped up in the the technical details of the painting and it had become more important than the message of the painting, the result being a painting that looked kind of dumb, even if--yes--that furry scarf really looked like a furry scarf.

Once I stopped putting more importance on the technicalities of painting than the message I wanted to convey, it went MUCH easier and faster, and now it actually looks good.

LESSON: Not making technical expertise more important than the painting itself! Otherwise it just looks like paint, without the life and beauty part.

Speaking of life and beauty--here is a painting that I am in love with by my favorite painter, William Bouguereau.

The First Mourning


  1. Good god you've got great taste!
    Never seen this painting before it is amazing- Thanks!

  2. Lesson Learned: Keep a spare set of keys outside in a special place
