Saturday, July 17, 2010

Ricky Colson

Ravi by Ricky Colson

I found this artist online yesterday through a series of fortunate events, and I like his artwork so much I can even forgive him for stealing my idea. If you look in one of my old sketchbooks you will see a series of undersized-people paintings which I planned out, and still intend on getting around to. Eventually. So Ricky Colson either drove from Texas to California and stole my sketchbook when I wasn't looking, or he is just less of a procrastinater than I am and acted on a good idea. The world will never know. Either way, he is one talented dude!*

Lucky for me every artist has a unique view of things, even if the concept is similar. This is why artists are amazing: Who else would think of drawing a guy sitting on a bar of soap? Not to mention then having the ability to then turn that idea into something so beautiful.

His website is here:, and his blog is here:

*Disclaimer for people with an impaired sense of humor: I am joking about him stealing my idea.

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